SQL Server Backup Under the SIMPLE Recovery Model

SQL Server Backup Under the SIMPLE Recovery Model

I tend to forget how to do certain database administration tasks if I don’t do them often enough. No matter how *SIMPLE* they might be. :)

Recently at work I saw a production database server that was in the SIMPLE recovery model, that was scheduled for weekly FULL backups and daily DIFFERENTIAL backups. I was a little confused when I first saw this. I wondered, “I thought you cannot do FULL backups in SIMPLE recovery model?” So I checked out Books Online. Continue reading “SQL Server Backup Under the SIMPLE Recovery Model”

SQL Server Database Instance-Level Backup Compression Setup

I was fortunate enough to attend Paul Randal’s and Kimberly Tripp’s IETPO1 this past Spring. During the week long training I met Tim Radney (he’s a SQL Consultant at SQLSkills). I approached him, introduced myself and as we were talking, the subject of SQL Server backups came up. I explained my work’s current backup strategy and how I’d like to make it more efficient, both in speed and disk space. Tim suggested I enable the instance-wide backup compression option in SQL Server Management Studio (see image below) Continue reading “SQL Server Database Instance-Level Backup Compression Setup”