Impostor Syndrome in the SQLFamily?

This past week was the MVP Summit out in Redmond, WA. Now, I’m not an MVP but I do follow a ton of them on social media and had the privilege to interview a handful of them.

My Twitter timeline was filled with MVPs sharing pictures and what else they could without violating their NDA. The hashtags #MVPBuzz and #MVPSummit were all over Twitter.

However, one tweet in particular stood out to me:


Cathrine’s tweet reminded me of a research study I read on Impostor Syndrome. The research study stated that, “at least 70% of people will have an episode of ‘Impostor Syndrome’ in their lifetime.”


What is Impostor Syndrome you ask?

The persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.”

The thought of not being smarter than the next person, or not knowing as much, will always be a struggle for some people (myself included).

Reading tweets like the one above goes to show that at any level, whether you’re a junior, mid-level, or so-called expert, there is *always* room to learn more and grow. The struggle exists on all levels.

Later that day, Argenis sent out a tweet in which I had to reply with a quote from Simon Sinek.

“No one knows everything. But together, we know a whole lot.”

No one on this earth knows everything and everyone starts out from zero. One method I use that’s helped me is to compare myself to myself. Sure, I’d like to know as much as certain people in the community but, really I need to compare myself to person in the mirror. Do I know more now than I did last year/month/week? If the answer is continuously “yes” then I’m on a good path to growth.

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