Instead of boring you with content that you can easily find on Amazon, I will do something different this review post. I will give you the three reasons why I recommend this book for SQL DBAs and data professionals. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an expert. This book will be a great addition to your library regardless of your level of SQL Server knowledge.
As a SQL Server professional, I find it extremely exciting when new features come out. For example, when Microsoft launched SQL Server 2017, you could install it on Linux. SQL Server 2019 supports availability groups on containers in a Kubernetes cluster. Also in SQL Server 2019, there is the new Big Data Clusters feature, and guess what it uses for container orchestration? You guessed it, Kubernetes.
The average SQL Server DBA might not have much experience with setting up HA/DR solution utilizing Availability Groups, let alone installing it on Linux or figuring out the ins and outs of containers and Kubernetes. But for those who like to push themselves by learning new things and securing their future, this blog post is a review of a book by my friend Nigel Poulton (b | t), titled, “The Kubernetes Book.” Continue reading “Book Review – “The Kubernetes Book” by Nigel Poulton”
There are tons of scripts and “how-to” videos on the internet that teach a wide range of topics. My problem is whenever I want to learn something niche. I want to go deep into a niche topic and learn it “A-Z”, but rarely find a guide for that. It’s always been in piecemeal fashion. So when I find a course that offers that “A-Z” style, it definitely grabs my attention. But, the cherry on top for me is when that course/s teaches a methodology.
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 introduced something absolutely new. It can run on Linux! SQL Server is no longer “Windows only.” Whether you’re into using Linux or Windows, it’s interesting to see where Microsoft is going with SQL Server. The background of why/how Microsoft decided to create a SQL Server version that runs on Linux is intriguing in itself. This blog post is a review of my dear friend Benjamin Nevarez‘s latest book, “Microsoft SQL Server 2017 on Linux.” Continue reading “Book Review – “Microsoft SQL Server 2017 on Linux” by Benjamin Nevarez”
Of the several issues encountered with SQL Server — SQL Server gets slower with time, generation of reports becomes tedious, SQL Server crash, performance issues and more — the most troublesome for DBAs is the crash or failure of SQL Server. Reason being, the repercussion is a damaged or corrupt SQL Server database.
Understanding how SQL Server indexing works is crucial for diving deeper into SQL Server internals and overall becoming a SQL Server “badass” :) Having said that, it’s definitely not an easy topic to pickup and comprehend.
I finally purchased a Microsoft Surface Book 2. I ended up going with the 13.5 inch model with the following specs:
i7 processor,16 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD
I did a fair amount of research online before buying it. I wanted something that is not a typical big laptop (15-17 inches) and something more sturdy than the Surface Pro, so I ended up going with the 13.5 inch Surface Book 2. Continue reading “Surface Book 2 Review”
There is something about high performance tuning that I find very fascinating. Performance tuning your database server is one of those things that you cannot just pinpoint to a single cause. You must have an overall understanding of how SQL Server internals work to really understand all the areas that you can “tune”, how they all interplay with each other, etc. Without having a grasp on this crucial subject, you will find yourself scratching your head more times than not when learning performance tuning. Continue reading “Book Review – “High Performance SQL Server” by Benjamin Nevarez”
Wifi routers have always been a pain in the butt for me. I live in a 3-level townhouse and it’s always been a challenge to evenly distribute the internet across all three floors. Over the past 10-15 years, I’ve tried multiple routers. From name brands like the old Linksys WRT54G router and Apple Airport Extreme, to the lesser known Almond+ by Securifi. The Almond+ was actually great when compared to the rest. The setup and wifi reception was great. The only downside was the router was on the third floor, so the internet speed in the basement was horrible. I started to do more research on how to evenly distribute the wifi and came across products like eero, andGoogle Wifi. These products offer a “3 pack” of routers that work together to give you evenly distributed internet reception. Continue reading “Google Wifi Review”
Over the past few years I have been applying DISA STIGs on countless SQL Server environments and never had a “go to” single source that would answer all my SQL Server security-related questions. If not answer, at least guide me in the right direction. That’s why I was super excited when I heard Brent Ozar recommend a book called, “Securing SQL Server” by Denny Cherry’s on his new Office Hours podcast.
It takes me roughly 45 minutes to get to work. I don’t like to listen to the radio. Last time I listened to the radio while driving I was blasting Pearl Jam, STP, Nirvana (yes, back in the 90s). Nowadays, I spend my driving time pondering about life, work, etc. How can I get better at work? How can I increase my knowledge of SQL Server? (Yes, I actually do think about that) What blogs, books, videos, podcasts are out there at I have not yet read/heard?
Office Hours Podcast
Office Hours with Brent Ozar Unlimited
Luckily for me, Brent Ozar (b | t) has recently launched his “Office Hours” live webinar event as a podcast and it’s available on iTunes. I recently subscribed to it and binge listened to all the episodes over the course of two days. (Yes, I binge listened to a SQL Server podcast on my way to and from work. Don’t hate. :) Continue reading “Podcast Review – Office Hours with Brent Ozar Unlimited”