I had an application go kaput on me all of a sudden and that wasn’t good. I had gotten back from lunch (always happens when I get back from lunch) and was immediately approached by the Sys Admin saying that a certain web application couldn’t connect to the SQL database. He wanted me to check out why and get back to him ASAP.
So I quickly log into the database server and see that SQL server is running fine, the SQL account that the web application uses is not “locked” and the password expiration is not checked (meaning that technically the password for that SQL account should never expire). I look at the disk drives by clicking on “My Computer” in Windows Explorer and quickly saw …
“E: Drive 0 GB free of 99 GB”
We have SQL Server configured to store Audit files on the “E” drive. I went into the folder and removed the oldest month worth of audit files. That freed up about 20 GB of space.
Roughly 5 minutes later the same Sys Admin ran in my office saying, “hey! I reset the SQL Account password and it works now.”
I know. What a coincidence right? :)
I believe the reason why the application couldn’t connect to the database is because SQL Server couldn’t write any more audit files to the disk drive. As a result, SQL Server refused outside connections.
I wrote a script that checks whether a specific disk drive space goes below a given threshold. If so, it will send the DBAs an email alert.
Here is the script. Feel free to use/modify it however you see fit.
--create temp table for results create table #freespace (drive char(1),mb_free int) --insert drive data into temp table insert into #freespace exec sys.xp_fixeddrives declare @subject varchar(100) declare @profile_name varchar(25) declare @body varchar(200) declare @gb_free int declare @recipients varchar(50) --you can specify whatever drive leter select @gb_free = (mb_free / 1024) from #freespace where drive = 'E' --you can specify whatever number you want. I put 20GB. if (@gb_free < 20) BEGIN SET @profile_name = 'Profile Name goes here' SET @recipients = 'your@email.com' SET @subject = 'ALERT!! E: drive is BELOW 20 GB' SET @body = 'Please check the E: drive! It has fallen below 20 GB of free space. There is currently ' + CONVERT(varchar,@gb_free) + ' GB of free space left on the E drive.' exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = @profile_name, @body = @body, @subject = @subject, @recipients = @recipients END --drop temp table drop table #freespace; go
(UPDATE: 2024) Per commenter’s question; if you have multiple drives and want a single email that will list all drives that have more than 20GB limit, then this snippet should do the job.
-- Create temp table for results create table #freespace (drive char(1), mb_free int) -- Insert drive data into temp table insert into #freespace exec sys.xp_fixeddrives -- Declare variables declare @drive char(1) declare @gb_free int declare @threshold int declare @profile_name varchar(25) declare @recipients varchar(50) declare @subject varchar(100) declare @body varchar(max) declare @alert_body varchar(max) -- Set the threshold value (in GB) set @threshold = 20 -- Set the email profile name set @profile_name = 'Profile Name goes here' -- Set the recipients set @recipients = 'your@email.com' -- Initialize the alert body variable set @alert_body = '' -- Cursor to loop through all drives in the temp table declare drive_cursor cursor for select drive, (mb_free / 1024) as gb_free from #freespace -- Open the cursor open drive_cursor -- Fetch the first row from the cursor fetch next from drive_cursor into @drive, @gb_free -- Loop through all rows while @@fetch_status = 0 begin -- Check if the free space is below the threshold if (@gb_free < @threshold) begin -- Append the drive information to the alert body set @alert_body = @alert_body + 'Drive ' + @drive + ': has fallen below ' + cast(@threshold as varchar) + ' GB of free space. There is currently ' + convert(varchar, @gb_free) + ' GB of free space left.' + char(13) + char(10) end -- Fetch the next row from the cursor fetch next from drive_cursor into @drive, @gb_free end -- Close and deallocate the cursor close drive_cursor deallocate drive_cursor -- If there are any alerts, send an email if len(@alert_body) > 0 begin -- Set the email subject and body set @subject = 'ALERT!! Drives below ' + cast(@threshold as varchar) + ' GB of free space' set @body = 'Please check the following drives:' + char(13) + char(10) + @alert_body -- Send the email exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = @profile_name, @body = @body, @subject = @subject, @recipients = @recipients end -- Drop temp table drop table #freespace go
how to make it run for all drives ?
Great question! I updated the post to include email sent to “all drives above 20 GB”
if we have multiple drive on the server …how do we do that
Hello Krishna, I updated this post to include an “all drive” script.
Perfect. I was looking exactly for something like that. Simple, elegant, without the need to create persisted tables, stored procedures, etc… (Which there are plenty when you Google for it. (People LOVE to complicate things, I don’t know why…))
I just needed a quick script that I could use as a step in a SQL Server Agent Job that checks every hour. Honestly I could have written it myself, but you saved me at least half an hour of figuring out the syntax and code. Thank you much. Best, Raphael.
Awesome! Glad it could help!