Blog Stats – 2017


Finally, another full year of web traffic! Time sure does go by fast! My goal was to blog more during 2017 than 2016. Below is the breakdown:

Total # of Blogs Posted (2016 vs 2017)

2016: 10

2017: 37

What Happened in 2017

In 2017, I started a new “interview series” blog posts where I ask professionals in the SQL Server community a handful of questions. These professionals are some of the “creme of the crop” when it comes to the SQL Server community. Microsoft Certified Masters, MVPs, and Microsoft employees.

I am extremely happy I started this and thank all those who participated. I definitely learned a lot and made some great new friends!

You can check out the list of people I interviewed here.

Blog Stats

2017 Stats

As you can see, 2017 was a 438% increase in page views compared to 2016.

Global Stats

51% of the page views are from the U.S., 10% from India, 6% from UK, and the rest of the top 10 include Canada, Australia, Germany, Singapore, Brazil, Netherlands and South Africa.

On to a great 2018!

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