Upcoming Events – 2019

I’m super excited to share some information regarding my upcoming SQL Saturday sessions at Sioux Falls and Baton Rouge.

SQL Saturday Sioux Falls

I’ll be at SQL Saturday Sioux Falls on August 10th and will present my very first tech session called, “Big Data Clusters for the Absolute Beginner”. It will be my 9th SQL Saturday as a speaker and my first time presenting a technical topic. So I’m super excited.

SQL Saturday Baton Rouge

The following week, on August 18th, will be my first time visiting Louisiana as I will be presenting at SQL Saturday Baton Rouge. There are a couple “first time” things I’ll be doing at that event:

First time presenting two sessions:

First time being invited to take part of a panel called, “Careers in IT – Baton Rouge 2019“.

For the past 3 years, SQL Saturday Baton Rouge has been hosting the “Careers in IT” panel to a full room. Students, job entrants, and job seekers all attend and ask questions from IT professionals.  I will be part of 4-6 people who will be answering attendee questions. I absolutely love this because this is what I present about during my 3 Keys for Successful Consulting session.

First time trying Jambalaya. Believe it or not! :)

I am looking forward to meeting new people and making new friends at SQL Saturday Sioux Falls and Baton Rouge.


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